Worship & Creative Arts
The Worship & Creative Arts Department is made up of 4 artistic entities that collaborate to make our worship experiences one-of-a-kind: Remix Worship, Remix Media, Remix Dance, & Remix Theater. Click the button below to learn more.
CHOSEN Women's Ministry is a ministry of Crossover Church and is available to all ladies who are at least college age and beyond. They are a group of women who encourage each other through services, forums, and many other types of events. Click below to learn more.
Reaching out care ministry is there in your time of need. They help our pastors and staff by helping with hospital visits and other hard times. Click below to become a part of the team.
Crossover College
Southeastern has partnered with Crossover Church to offer degree programs to local students at an affordable price. As a student at the Crossover Church extension site, you can benefit from the prestige of getting a Southeastern degree with the convenience of attending classes in your hometown and online.
Our first impressions team is made up of a group of bright & smiling faces that are ready to meet you at the very front doors & make sure that you get the perfect seat for our services. We are always looking to add some more smiling faces to our team.
FIGHT CLUB Men’s Ministry
Fight Club is a place where men, real men, who love & follow Jesus hard, get to chop up the Word of God AND build with each other for God's glory! We live by Proverbs 27:17, "Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." Click the button below to connect with our GroupMe or Send a Text (only) for info to: 656-223-7705. Email: fightclub@crossoverchurch.org
Da Crew is a ministry of individuals that go into the juvenile detention centers and minister to young people. They bring hope & healing as they present the WORD of God. Click below to join.
Crossover couples
Crossover Couples exists to inspire, empower, and encourage engaged and married couples that are connected to our ministry. Growing together, laying a solid foundation for thriving marriage are some of the ingredients necessary for a godly marriage. Fun, community, and prayer are other ingredients for win as a Husband and Wife. Below are opportunities for all of the above. The First Monday of each month we gather via Zoom. Every other month, we gather for Date Nights. And there are plenty of other opportunities for connect, grow, and build together. We can’t wait to grow with you!

“There's so much love at this church, you can tell God is in the place every moment.”
— Laila Sanchez